A Real Brand

In a world where pictures are manipulated, photo-shopped and altered to unrealistic proportions, people wonder what is actually real.  It is hard to filter out the fakes from reality because we are surrounded by images that are not real.  It has even become trendy to “be real” which can make it harder to spot the facade.

A real brand, to me, is one that represents true vision in an honest way.  Telling the brand narrative through real pictures, real people and real stories.  This showcases the brand personality in an authentic way.   When consumers see this they respond in a positive way because they can relate to the images and people.  When a brand is based on manipulated content the consumer feels inadequate and tries harder to achieve the perfectionism of the images being portrayed.  Essentially this is what leads to shopping addiction and big businesses rising profits.

A feel good brand creates just that – it makes you feel good.  It lifts you up and empowers you, it embraces the unique things that make us special and it highlights our cool imperfections.  It makes us feel good from the inside out. 

I choose to keep it real,

~Miss Kiss~

A Real Brand – Authentic Brand Personality – Keep it real

a real brand authentic brand personality keep it real

Jennifer Kissling

Jennifer is co-founder of Kigi Life and owner/founder of Kiss To Fly

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