An Evening With Dana Fuchs

And we are back ladies and gentlemen with another addition of musical tastes from HQ.  I know it’s been a while but we have been busy with an upcoming campaign which seems to be taking most of our time.  However this doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been time to go check out some fan favorites of Kigi.

Jennifer and I were on hand last Friday night, March 14th at the Highline Ballroom on W16th Street in Manhattan, to check out the amazing Dana Fuchs and her remarkable band.  A timeless time, Dana unites old school rock with dirty blues, soul, gospel, and funk to “come together right now over me”.  Did I forget to mention she starred in the movie “Across the Universe” as Sexy Sadie(fitting name).  Yea that’s right, two Beatles nods in consecutive sentences.  Just “Because”.

Anyways….the audience was captivated from the very beginning kick drum/bass combo…you know that deep primal beat that vibrates our soul.  Dana belts out the notes just like the legends of yester year, while her band keeps the groove nice and tight.  Watching and listening, you go on a little journey with Dana as the songs obviously come from deep within life experiences we can all relate to.

I’ve seen Dana and her band now twice and there are two things that always strike me.  The first being John, the lead guitarist, is probably having the most fun of anyone in the room…and rightly so.  It’s so refreshing to listen to someone who knows how to lay down and leave it behind.  His smirk after nailing a solo says it all.  The second thing is the privilege to watch an artist who never sold out, even though Dana had many opportunities throughout her career.  Sometimes it’s easier to go the quick route, but hardly ever as fulfilling.  She has stayed true to not only herself but also her music.  As is the case with so many music acts out there that sell out to a big record deal…their music stops becoming about the music and starts to become more about the label and by label I mean money.

I guess that’s why Dana is so successful with the type of music she performs.  You can’t sing soul without a soul.  And you “got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues, And you know it don’t come easy”.  Thanks Ringo.


Review of Dana Fuchs at the Highline Ballroom

dana fuchs band highline ballroom rock soul blues gospel funk

Marcus Svensson

Marcus Svensson is owner and director of Kigi Life

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