My intention for the event “Light from the North” was to gather like-minded people together to celebrate the progressive lifestyle of Scandinavia while promoting the arts and creating awareness of other movements currently happening and gaining strength.

I believe that the artist is the pioneer – visionaries who are way ahead of their time. Unfortunately, most do not receive the recognition they deserve until after they have left this world. For this reason I work hard to support and empower artists to stay strong and keep creating even when it feels like no one understands them. When they feel supported and understood they are free to fulfill their true purpose and live the authentic life.

By helping one another to develop our true talents, we in turn can pay it forward to others to create a more positive world. We all need to do our part to add value to the world and help educate people about the choices we have right in front of us. Through hard work, conscious decisions, and following your passion, dreams do come true.

We applaud the featured artists at our event and also all artists around the world! We all do what it takes to make things happen. Some of us fly across the world on self-belief, some of us follow our hearts and quit our old jobs to focus on our true intent, some of us stay up night and day to create a platform for artistic education. Whatever it is, we must remember to show each other support and kindness in our adventures.

I would like to thank our extraordinary artists: Magdalena Denker of Sweden, Hanne Stovring of Denmark and Jason Potvin of Brooklyn, NY/ Paris.

You are all living your lives with meaning and purpose and are an inspiration to all.

Keep.It. Genuinely. Inspired
~Miss Kiss

For more information on our artists:

The artist is the pioneer

light north event artists pioneers visionaries

Marcus Svensson

Marcus Svensson is owner and director of Kigi Life

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