Equality Lyrics

To see me as an equal

is to see your self in me.

As royals, we are granted

destiny and feathered wings.

You can be the Queen now

and I will be the King.

You’re the Empress of this Kingdom

so do now what you please.

Like Martin Luther King

did I dream

for this world to open their eyes to reality?

If I had a dream, it’s for this world.

We are breaking the chains for equality,

breaking down walls of insecurity.


Equality Lyrics

Equality Lyrics destiny queen king realityTo see me as an equal is to see your self in me. As royals, we are granted destiny and feathered wings. You can be the Queen now and I will be the King. You’re the Empress of this Kingdom so do now what you please. Like Martin Luther King did I dream for this world to open their eyes to reality? If I had a dream, it’s for this world. We are breaking the chains for equality, breaking down walls of insecurity. -Tashiro

Marcus Svensson

Marcus Svensson is owner and director of Kigi Life

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