Quality vs Quantity

Quality vs Quantity
A few years ago I made the lifestyle choice of quality over quantity. I decided that my quality of life was more important than the quantity of holiday gifts I purchased.

I challenged myself to become more mindful in my holiday shopping, only buying gifts for people when I saw something fantastic that I knew they would love and appreciate. I stopped spending my free time shopping just to have presents to give. Many were surprised when I showed up empty handed with no explanation (it was awkward I’m not going to lie…), but over time they saw the value in receiving thoughtful handpicked gifts. This always makes my friends and family feel special and it’s more fun to receive gifts randomly throughout the year (the element of surprise is under rated).
Let’s be real – the pressure of holiday shopping combined with crowded stores is a buzzkill. Therefore, I choose a mimosa and brunch with friends instead! I think the gift of quality
time is the greatest gift of all.

~Miss Kiss (enjoying a meal and quality time with my friend, Jen)

Quality vs Quantity

Quality vs Quantity by Miss Kiss from the kigi life clothing Online Store and News Magazine Blog. Including our featured products: Connection, Dreams, Empowerment, Equality, Loyalty, Soul and Think. For Men and Women. Kigi Life Clothing is a Brooklyn based conscious life style clothing brand that empowers your authentic life. Home of an Online Shop Boutique Selling and creating Eco-friendly T-shirts and Apparel, and Events. Inspired by the Consciousness and Awakening, Art and Design, Music and Fashion, Literature and Culture, the education and empowerment of people to live authentically. Kigi in Japanese means ‘every tree’ and is also an acronym for Keep It Genuinely Inspired. This deep double meaning represents our company’s mission and message. We are devoted to creating genuine empowerment to all, through our meaningful apparel, social responsibility and educational events. A few years ago I made the lifestyle choice of quality over quantity. I decided that my quality of life was more important than the quantity of holiday gifts I purchased.I challenged myself to become more mindful in my holiday shopping, only buying gifts for people when I saw something fantastic that I knew they would love and appreciate. I stopped spending my free time shopping just to have presents to give. Many were surprised when I showed up empty handed with no explanation (it was awkward I’m not going to lie…), but over time they saw the value in receiving thoughtful handpicked gifts. This always makes my friends and family feel special and it’s more fun to receive gifts randomly throughout the year (the element of surprise is under rated).

Jennifer Kissling

Jennifer is co-founder of Kigi Life and owner/founder of Kiss To Fly

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