

Last week I met artist Ethan Boisvert, an abstract artist who is new to the New York art scene. He just moved here from Harford, CT and it just so happens that we went to the same College, small world I know! He is an extremely talented photographer known for his “Bubbles” series. Boisvert submerges objects under liquid and then photographs them using a macro lens. He captures the most exquisite colors, reminding me of precious jewels such as sapphires, emeralds and rose gold. His images are rich and lux, yet they are ordinary items, such as a key ring, that he has transformed into a work of abstract art.

Ethan Boisvert “Bubbles” photograph

Boisvert is also an abstract painter whose work is equally as bold and beautiful as his photographs. Boisvert takes “the approach of investigating 20th century modernist methods of creating forms, freewheeled with spontaneity and compositional influences of the most visually challenging painters of the pre avant-garde. The work has no direct literal message, freeing it of an overly subjective interpretation. It is my aim to strive for the strongest visual poetry, to be there yet never quite said”. He achieves this beautifully in both mediums and the influence from each is evident. There is a cohesion between his photographs and paintings, the photographs are softer yet still bold, his painting showcase the range of his depth as an artist. I’m a huge fan and have been showing his work to clients throughout NYC.

I love the visual poetry found in Abstract art, the harmony of balancing shape, form, and color. Perception changed with abstract expressionism, no more literal references, they venture deep within themselves to express their messages to the world. Abstract art is meant to be felt, when the viewer connects with a piece they feel the deep wisdom of the artist. We are all here with messages to share, this is our reason for being, and it’s important to express what we have deep inside.  Who wants to leave this world with their art still inside?!

November is astrologically the perfect month to do so as Abstract art falls under the eighth house, the house of Scorpio known as the house of the deep unconscious. Today, 11/11, is a new moon in Scorpio and we have many favorable angles, it’s all green lights, everything is in the flow. This is a time when our beauty is being coaxed out of us to be shared with the world. The message of November is to be bold because the universe will support you. It’s time to put fear aside and forge ahead, just like Boisvert portrays in both his art and life. He made the courageous move to the Art capital of the world to pursue his passion. Take charge and create, share your music, share your art, or whatever you have deep inside your heart.


Image featured is by Ethan Boisvert titled “Synthesis”

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