Art Warms My Heart


It was another super duper summer for me with lots of traveling abroad. I am always so inspired by other cultures as my eyes are opened to new perspectives and lifestyles. I returned home all zen’d out and high on cultural experiences, however the minute my feet touched NYC soil I hit the ground running. I’m not complaining in the least, as life is a dance of balancing extremes for me. I welcome all of the new and exciting opportunities.


As I have begun the process of decompressing and reminiscing I have realized the common ground I find in every place I visit. I am always drawn to the arts, to the art galleries, the art fairs, the contemporary museums, historical architecture, etc. Within these places I always feel safe, I always feel inspired, I always feel connection, I always have the opportunity to just feel. Every artist retreats to their creative space as a safe haven, a place where they feel fully free to express their deepest emotions. When I am far away from home I always find my home away from home through the arts.


Now that my wanderlust is put on hold until next summer, I will be exploring many local artist galleries, studios and creative artist’s sanctuaries to explore their culture in a new way. I want to share with all of you ways to stay connected to the arts and also to help inspire your inner artist. Culture has been proven to reduce stress (and for all of you fellow NYCers you know you need this!), it helps you develop your perspective, it connects you to humanity and the community, and it helps you in expressing your truest self.


So get ready for some fun blogs about culture, emerging artists, business design, social impact investing and more.


Love always,

Miss Kiss


Art warms my heart and soul

Making me never feel far apart

Connecting us as one

Expression helps us to overcome

It is through art that we connect with our purest form

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