fire girl

Deep inside my heart

Is where I hide my art

So that no one can see

The impossible depth of me

My voice was not being heard


Deep inside it must reside

Exploding fire while I slowly die

Sweet dreams take me away

I will share my heart another day

I was scared to love myself


Deep within my soul there lies

Gifts I chose from fires in the sky

Life experiences locked my depth

Making my presence seem inept

How can I access my internal wealth?


Angels come to me in my dreams

Lighting the path of emotional extremes

Balancing my world leads me deeper

Letting go of whoever isn’t a keeper

I breathe water to cleanse my past


Angles guide me in this new life

Holding my hand as I write

Feelings of love push me deeper

Exploding wisdom lies beneath

My story is my gift to you


Angles heal my broken heart

Making room to share my part

Women need to know my pain

To see how they can rise again

The choice is yours to open up


Go inside and find your fire

Follow what your heart desires

Reason for being, purpose of life

Connect with yourself, follow your light

We hold the keys to the fire in our hearts

~Miss Kiss~



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